Veliko Blato
The ornithological reserve Veliko blato, is a shelter for a wide variety of marsh birds, especially during the period of nesting, migration and hibernation. The length of the marsh habitat is about 2 km, with an average width of app. 1.2 km.
Apart from Veliko blato, on the island of Pag there are two more marsh areas: Malo blato in the vicinity of Veliko blato, and Kolansko blato in the Kolan municipality. All three localities have obtained the status of ornithological reserves.
Curative mud Segal
West of Povljana, by the beach Dubrovnik surrounded by pine forest, you will find lake Segal with muddy sediment. A natural therapeutic agent such as peloid, along with the sun, sea and clean air, is a favourable factor in the preservation and improvement of one’s health and well-being, prevention and curing different illnesses, as well as recovering from them. Therapeutic peloid is ideal for curing degenerative ailments, rheumatic arthritis and skin diseases.
It is often used as a compress for stomach and kidney area in the cases of gastrointestinal illnesses, as well as illnesses of reproductive organs and the urinary system. It is used in the case of rheumatic ailments as a compress and coating for arms, individual joints or groups of large joints and the backbone. Natural mud is considered a good means for detoxification. Find your own place on the beach, on the rocks or under pine trees, and give yourself over to the relaxing and therapeutic effect of beneficial climatic, marine and balneological factors.

Dry stone fences
Dry-stone fences are a significant monument of the hard life and the huge effort of the island’s inhabitants; they were built from skilfully stacked stone on land difficult to cultivate. The dry-stone fence with its shapes, surface, appearance and purpose, is one of the most representative examples of native folk architecture. The dry-stone fences serve as natural borders between patches; they are high enough to prevent sheep from jumping over, and strong enough to stand against the bora winds. They are an important habitat for reptiles, birds and small mammals.
You will be delighted by the view of an entire flock of sheep resting in shade beneath a stone fence on a hot summer afternoon. Due to the lack of trees in the vast karst terrain, ovčje nastambe tzv. torovi ili jare. the stone fences are their only shelter from steamy summer temperatures. Apart from the dry-stone fences, sheepfolds called “tor” or “jare” might attract your attention. Dry-stone fences are an important landscape element and are part of the Croatian rich cultural heritage.